Flowering Branches
Written by: Cait Elizabeth - November 2020
Edited by: Travis Ryan
A magical cornerstone of the Long Island music community can be found in open jam sessions in beloved dive bars. Curled up with a drink on the back couch at 2am on a Sunday listening to mind-blowing jazz improvs was how I first really fell in love with the music scene. After the shows are over, the restaurant shifts are done, and the casual bar folks depart, there are secret meetings of talented musicians who thrive on their passion for creation. Flowering Branches is the spirit of those moments, all polished up.
Peter Iannacchino (guitar), Tye Granger (tenor saxophone), Jon Francke (electric & upright bass), and Alex Kaufman (drums & percussion) may have met in different settings, but once they all played together it was as if it were meant to be. Peter felt the pieces fall into place on his concept right away: “I can only speak for myself, but the thing I heard when I first listened to each of these guys was this raw, innovative musical energy.”
Shows & Streams
That raw energy flourishes in Flowering Branches’ writing process.The band’s creative sessions are a musical stream of consciousness in which ideas are encouraged to flow and adapt organically. Though rooted in jazz, their sound isn’t afraid to explore into the realms of post-rock and psychedelic influences, embracing a “post-jazz” flavor. Pushing editing later into the writing process allows the band to chase the sounds that feel right instead of forcing those connections.
Flowering Branches is a new name in front of familiar faces. While each of the members has had extensive performing experience, this particular tetrad was only formed in February 2020, just before quarantine. Operating under COVID restrictions, the band had to postpone their debut show until October but is excited to push into recording and releasing music shortly. With studio time booked and two live music videos set for December release, we’re eager to hear what’s on the horizon!
“Advice? Just this — no one can give you better advice than you can give yourself. Deep down you know who you are and what you want. It’s instinctive. Your job is simply to find what that is and dedicate your life to it, no matter what anyone else tells you.”