Cait Elizabeth
Founder - Writer - Circus Ringleader
Jill of all trades. Dabbler. Podcast junkie. Local music aficionado.
I live on the non-business side of the stage. Forever chasing the high of hollerin’ the words back to my favorite musicians along with the crowd. I believe that music and community save lives and if you don’t know it exists you can’t take your medicine. Avoiding grippy socks one late night at a time.
Travis Ryan
Editor - North Star - Head of Housekeeping
B.S. Two 40s, 1/2 Pack of Cigarettes
M.A. Junk Food, Late Night Sex
Ph.D Being In Debt
I play guitar and sing in a ska/punk/reggae/funk band called Samurai Pizza Cats. I also know how to play bass, drums, and the first few levels of Banjo Kazooie. For some reason Cait trusts me to polish her words, and my incompetence doesn’t seem to bother her.
Brianna Coccia
Writer - Reporter - Powerhouse
Chronic workaholic. Audio Engineer & Sound Designer.
Half dolphin, half nerd. Excel Anonymous.
I started creating music 12 years ago, graduating from tiny turquoise diary to colorful journals and napkins. My audio journey began five years ago and I’d never look back. Nothing makes me more excited than seeing other artist’s eyes light up when they talk about their work. Being able to make an audience feel the emotions of a performer is what I live off of.
Showed up for the community, stayed for the hugs.