A Band In Ship

Written by: Cait Elizabeth - August 2019
Edited by: Travis Ryan


A Band In Ship has taken the elements of a jam band and refined them, laying down intricate tracks and peppering in improv during live sets. Their sound is rooted in hard rock but the riff-driven songs cross genres regularly, particularly when they are jamming out for a crowd. The band members each have their own unique music tastes that flavor their overall approach to writing. You’ll be able to pick out reggae, funk, and ska vibes when you listen through their music catalog.

The band didn’t have a linear formation, undergoing several twists and turns before taking the form you see on stage today. Nick Balzano (vocals/guitar/keys/SFX/percussion pad) was first approached by Ryan McCloskey (drums) several years ago to join his band with Mike Plume (guitar). They put together a set of covers for a graduation party before parting ways for the next semester. Reuniting in January 2012 they formed Still Current, performing a host of covers as well as a handful of originals they called their “core four”. In June 2013, after some personal differences and frustrations following the failure of putting together a full album, the group decided to split up. Nick, Ryan, and Mike did not want their originals to disappear forever and opted to record them with Frank Mitaritonna at Proline Studios in the fall of 2013. The project was released as The Storm under the name A Band In Ship. While the bass lines were held down by Nick on the recordings, on stage the position was held by TJ Dawber, Sean Cashman, and now James DeNatale. Steve Remp (drums/vocals) has taken over for founding member Ryan, who you can still find on stage with Mike in Kings of Pain, a tribute to The Police. The addition of James and Steve in 2016 tied the band’s vision together, bringing in new influences and allowing for more improvisation on stage.

Recently they have been releasing all kinds of exciting content, including an eight-track album called The Ark . Six of the songs on The Ark were turned into music videos illustrated by Guistina Hayes of GalaxyGus Art, one of which is a favorite song among the band. “Right now, given our bizarre political climate, we're all rallying behind our single ‘Unadorned’. It's a reminder to everyone that in times like these, it's sticking together that will get us through,” the band shares.

Tours & Shows

Mostly sticking close to home, A Band In Ship can often be found playing local venues across the island. One of the rare excursions off-island took them to Stroudsburg, PA for a show at the The Living Room at Sherman Theater. That show was sandwiched between their very first NYC appearance and a planned show in upstate Cortland that didn’t end up panning out. The band spent the extra time in Cortland writing new music and filming scenes for “The Storm” music video, which was never completed.

This fall promises a short trip through upstate and central New York with another (still secret) Long Island jam band. Keep your eyes open for further updates!

You can find them next back at the Velvet Lounge on August 23rd, 2019 with Hilltop!

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Inspirations & Influences

Each member comes from very different musical backgrounds. Steve was raised on punk and ska, Nick on classic rock, James on the Grateful Dead, and Mike gravitates towards prog-rock and metal. Their interests all cross over when it comes to Dream Theater, Primus, and The Police, leading to their riff-heavy tunes. When it comes to their improvisational side, the band swings between inspirations varying from Umphrey's McGee to Phish.

This release and everything surrounding it would not have been possible with out this list of astoundingly talented people: Starting with Frank Mitaritonna, Brandon Hanna, Mike Watts and the rest of the staff/interns at Vudu Studios. Guistina Hayes, Evan Munoz and Samuel Zarahn for their accompanying art. Last but not least John Kelly, Dom Gervasio, Safrah Levitan, Matt Godfrey, Jacqueline Routh, Ben Pinnola & Nick Gardell. Some for studio performances, some for joining us live and elevating our sound more than we could have asked for.
— A Band In Ship