The Muckrakers
Written by: Cait Elizabeth - April 2019
Edited by: Travis Ryan
Pinning down The Muckrakers’ sound is nearly impossible: They are genre-fluid in a way that allows them to seamlessly incorporate just about any style they feel like. Originally formed as a punk band, The Muckrakers have grown to include aspects of metal, jazz, funk, ska, dance, pop, and progressive music. The band has seen some name and lineup changes in its lifespan, but the affectionately-nicknamed “Muck” has landed on the perfect dynamic with its current trio.
Born in 2011 after a high school battle of the bands, the group was originally called Jail For Kids and featured Shanon Munoz (bass), Sean Martin (guitar/vocals), and Billie Golan (drums); however, they soon rebranded as The Muckrakers. Kyler Sane took over on guitar, and their first single “Killing Spree” was released. The band took a bit of a hiatus but ultimately recruited a new drummer, Jason Cohen. From there they formed a mini-concert series called Muñoz-Stock that would turn into their own homegrown festival, featuring lineups as eclectic as Muck themselves.
They had a hard time maintaining a consistent schedule with Jason away at college, which led to another hiatus. Fortunately they had a rotating cast of drummers to keep them going while they searched for someone to hold down the kit permanently: first Nick White, and then Dana Mancuso. While Dana was still with them they played a show that led to a friendship with The Schwam, who helped record Muck’s first album. “Their front man, Brandon Bachrach, was our audio engineer, while their drummer, Mike Marcuggio, initially played all of the drums. Mike really kicked the intensity up” according to Kyler. Mike filled in where he could, but distance and prior obligations ended up getting in the way of a longer term relationship. A chance post-recording session encounter in a Plainview bar would have the group cross paths with an old friend’s new boyfriend, and after nailing the audition, Jon Hoffman took his place on the drum throne.
Muñoz-Stock has grown each year, really taking off on their fourth anniversary. In 2017, the sixth Muñoz-Stock Music Festival was held at The Broadway Mall with T-Mobile, Panera Bread, Auntie Anne's, and other local businesses in attendance. The following year saw the festival hosted by Station Sports in Huntington. On top of a stellar lineup including GutterLIFE, NonStop To Cairo, Ü Blue, and Wait and Shackle, the festival featured arcade machines, live painters, vendors, food trucks, a snack shack, a mini golf course, paint ball, and batting cages. A ten-artist RGB collaboration included a three-banner setup incorporating three banners, lighting, fog machines, and TV displays.
The Muckrakers put out debut and sophomore releases Dirty Water and The Album's Off, respectively, along with music videos for the songs "Self Loathing" and "Doomed" and a double video for "Halloween Princess" and "Parasite."
The Muckrakers stay on the road as much as possible, making new friends and fans across the Northeast and Midwest. With shows played in 14 states so far, they plan to hit another seven on their upcoming Southern summer tour as well as go international with a trip to Canada in the fall. The music scene in Roanoke, Virginia has been one home away from home for Muck where they always find enthusiastic crowds. After making fast friends with the locals on their first trip, they played to a packed, energetic house; Shanon barely managed to keep his teeth after intense moshing sent a mic flying at his face.
While in Detroit, Muck passed through a Pride Parade where they silenced a protester with a megaphone harassing the crowds by stopping the van in front of him and drowning him out with their horn. ‘Cause fuck hate!
2018 saw The Muckrakers sell out four shows as well as start a booking group called Muñoz Stockin’ Events, where they book touring bands and organize bigger local events.
2019 has brought regular weekend touring, more MSE events, and another sold out show where they opened for CKY—another musically diverse band with a punk rock attitude.
The Muckrakers draw inspiration from all forms of music. Kyler’s love of NOFX, Rudimentary Peni, AJJ, and Black Flag played a big role in their early interest in pursuing music, and many of the guitarist’s tattoos are in direct tribute to those inspirations. Having spent four years playing with Reluctant Mortem, Kyler still incorporates aspects of death metal vocals into Muck’s music, adding an element that nicely contrasts the cleaner melodic singing. Speaking of incorporating multiple different vocal styles, Kyler and Shanon have a huge shared love for Linkin Park that features heavily in road trip sing alongs and encourages them to improve as vocalists. Shanon gravitates towards heavy and thrash metal, but you can find Mandrill, Miles Davis, and Wu-Tang Clan in his music library as well. Jon listens to a lot of progressive bands such as CHON and Animals As Leaders mixed in with more electronic-based jams from the likes of Deadmau5 and Pendulum.
Long Island fans are the element that have made it possible for The Muckrakers to get as far as they have. They are the support system the band needs to keep pushing towards their dreams. “Although most of our shows have us touring outside of the area at this point, we do have consistent Muñoz Stockin' Events around Long Island and beyond, and we show face at locals when possible” Kyler shared with us.
The Muckrakers have worked with all kinds of incredible bands, but they encourage readers to check out The Schwam—the band just wouldn’t be where they are now without their guidance and support in recording their first album, and the appreciation certainly extends to The Schwam’s music.
“Make an effort to learn everything from how to network, promote, book shows and make exceptional music. It goes far towards standing out and being personable.”